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Grey Crew - name & birth year

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Personalise with your child's name and birth year.  Just use the 'Personalise It Here' button and use the text box to see how it looks on the crew before buying.   Ensure you personalise over two lines.  Enter exactly how you'd like the name to read (capitals or all lowercase?)  We will only embroider what you've used in the personalised tool.

*  Relaxed fit, yet smart.   Perfect for all weather seasons.

* Crew Neck

* 100% Cotton, fleece lined

* Model wearing size 5-6 years (just turned 5 years old).  Thread shown:  Grey

*  9 letters max. for name.  The longer the name, the smaller the text will read. 

* for peace of mind when sending a gift, no packing slip or invoice will be sent with the order *

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